简介 (About the summer school)
This summer school is jointly hosted by the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (KITS) of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the School of Physical Science and Technology of ShanghaiTech University.
The summer school aims at exposing students and postdocs to the frontiers in theoretical high energy physics and introducing to them the basic research techniques.
The area is broadly quantum field theory and string theory, with an emphasis on non-perturbative aspects.
The topics include: Conformal field theory, conformal bootstrap and S-matrix bootstrap, AdS/CFT, supersymmetric CFTs, scattering amplitudes, integrability, application of CFT in QCD and collider physics etc.
The school consists of regular lectures on specific topics (each contains a series of four lectures) and public lectures. There is also a poster session for interested students and postdocs.
报告人 (Speakers)
系列报告 (Regular lectures)
- Nadav Drukker (英国伦敦国王学院): Defects in CFTs
- 冯波 (浙江大学): Introduction to scattering amplitudes
- 江云峰 (东南大学): Introduction to integrability (Integrable quantum spin chains, integrable quantum field theory, integrability in AdS/CFT)
- Rajesh Gopakumar (印度国际理论科学中心): Deriving AdS/CFT duality
- Petr Kravchuk (英国伦敦国王学院): Light-ray operators
- Martin Kruczenski (美国普度大学): S-matrix bootstrap
- Balt van Rees (法国巴黎综合理工学院): Conformal bootstrap
- Masahito Yamazaki (日本东京大学): Quivers and Integrability
- 朱华星 (浙江大学): Applications of CFT in QCD and collider physics
公开报告 (Public lectures)
- Nadav Drukker (英国伦敦国王学院): On String Theory and Ceramic Art
- Hermann Nicolai (德国马普所-波兹坦): Symmetry and Unification - can physics be reduced to a single formula?
- Anthony Zee (美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校): Quantum Field Theory: an Overview
会议日程 (Schedule)
申请 (Applying to the summer school)
The summer school is open for applications to advanced graduate students (must have taken courses in QFT and have some familiarity with CFTs and string theory) and postdocs.
Applications should be submitted via the QR code on the poster (or click here) and should include the following materials:
1. A brief CV (not required for faculty),
2. A publication list of 5 representative works (if any),
3. A recommendation letter from your advisor (not necessary for postdocs),
4. A one-page description of your poster presentation (if you wish to present).
These materials should be combined into a single pdf file in this order. The deadline of applications is May 29th, 2023. Successful applicants will be informed in late June.
1. 个人简历 (仅学生和博士后要求),
2. 不超过5篇代表作列表(若有),
3. 导师签名的推荐信一封(博士后不要求),
4. 一页以内关于你想在海报中展示的工作内容(如果希望参与)。
Financial support: The applicants are encouraged to have their own sources of funding to cover their expenses during the school.
However, students in financial difficulties may apply for support by indicating so in the application form.
The amount of funding is limited and can only cover a small number of students.
Public lecture registration: The public lectures can be registered separatedly by people who are not attending the summer school.
To register, please complete the following steps: 1) Fill in the following online form 2) Search on WeChat“上科大Campus” - CampUs - 访客入校 - Fill in information and dates (contact: 周卿 13564016125). You will receive a QR code for entering once your application has been approved.
公共报告报名:公共报告对非暑期学校参与者开放,并可以单独注册报名参加。报名方式:1)填写该问卷 2)微信搜索“上科大Campus” - CampUs - 访客入校 - 填写个人信息&申请日期(联系人:周卿 13564016125)。审批后,可凭收到的二维码入校
会议组织 (Summer school organization)
Main Organizer:周稀楠 (国科大,上科大)
Organizing Committee:
- Alexey Koshelev (上科大)
- 彭 程 (国科大)
- Alexander Ochirov (上科大)
- 王华嘉 (国科大)
- 张富春 (国科大,上科大)
- 周稀楠 (国科大,上科大)
联系方式 (Contact us)
Any questions about the school should be sent to the main organizer: zhouxn at shanghaitech.edu.cn.
任何关于暑期学校的问题请发送至组织者的邮箱:zhouxn at shanghaitech.edu.cn